In the wild world of documentary content, sometimes genre classifications just don’t cut it. “History” and “Nature” cover such a wide array of topics, time periods, and locations, it can be overwhelming to find the particular subject matter you’re interested in. That’s why Get.factual is introducing Curated Collections. We’ve hand-picked the very best titles for specific interests and compiled them into playlists that you can find right on the Get.factual homepage.

More collections will be added and the title selections will be continually updated, but here are some of the best collections on right now:

Historical Figures

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-25 um 13.53.13There are lots of ways to learn about history, but examining the lives of the people who shaped it is perhaps the most fascinating. Relive the rise and fall of infamous leaders in Alexander the Great or Ivan the TerribleOr explore the legends of cultural icons that have survived the test of time in Dracula: The True story of Vampires or In Search of Santa Claus.



You’re a nature fan more inclined to learn about life under the sea? Swim with the whales, examine the coral reef, and dive into parts of the ocean rarely seen with titles like Adventure Ocean Quest and The Coral Triangle. 

War & Weapons

As a species, our legacy of violent conflict is unrivaled. Our propensity for destruction and the reasons why nations charged into battle deserve particular attention when examining our shared history. Explore the motivations of kings and the hardships of their soldiers with Knights and The Battle for the Baltic Sea.


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